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October 03, 2006

The Mind Was Willing, The Available Stock Was Weak

NP: Foo Fighters, The Colour and The Shape

If you've been waiting fervently to find out whether or not I bought the laptop over the weekend, I didn't. Not for lack of trying, though. I found one I liked, but the merchant of choice was out of stock, gave no rainchecks, and pretty much guaranteed me that none of their other stores in the area would have any, either.

This week's specials offered up another, similar option at another store, but I haven't had time to take advantage of it. I'm trying not to let the whole broken windshield thing factor too much into the decision.

In the meantime, does anyone have a good reason why I should avoid a Compaq laptop? In terms of value for the money, they look pretty attractive, as long as you don't mind the whole "executives spying on employees" thing.


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