NP: John Cage, 4'33"
Okay, I'm picking on dKos again, but this is really just semantics. Sifting through a bunch of blog posts and picking out the ones you like is notone of the "positive aspects of the concept of 'data mining'". It's just plain old research made possible by throwing resources at a task.
Data mining identifies latent relationships between previously unconnected variables. If the diaries were rescued based on, say, the existence of certain groups of words, then it would be more like data mining, although there's still a subjective component to the "predicted outcome," which would be the very Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence-esque notion of "quality."
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January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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