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October 19, 2006

U of C finally getting a small hall

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

I've been meaning to say something about this since I first came across it on Chicagoist. The University of Chicago is planning a $100 million arts center on the south side of the midway.

The original Tribune article talks about it from a theater/fine arts point of view, but the big thing for me is that the plan includes a "350-seat multipurpose performance hall." Now, I've totally lost touch with the Major Activities Board, but back in the day, anything we couldn't fit in the 985-seat Mandel Hall had to go in a big boxy room in Ida Noyes Hall that was an acoustical nightmare.

This will be a big improvement for those smaller shows. Heck, this might even get me to finally give to my alma mater.


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