NP: Mike Keneally, hat.
As a researcher, one thing you learn is that when you see really drastic results, there's usually something wrong with your methodology. So I'm a little skeptical about this nonpartisan report touted on Daily Kos. In the current political climate, it's just too easy to game this particular system. For one, you have to figure there is a very large number of Democratic amendments that got voted down on party lines. Heck, there's a very large number of everything that would be voted on party lines, and you never know which items had poison pills and all those other lovely politcal machinations attached to them.
I'd love to see, for each vote the IAVA cites in their index, who introduced the legislation and what the final vote was. From that, there's got to be some weighting factor that would make the results more meaningful. As it is, it's pretty useless because it's too easily dismissed.
I think a bigger problem with the study is illustrated in how they gave a score on each piece of legislation in the first place:
"For each piece of legislation that affected troops, veterans or military families, IAVA took a position either in support of, or in opposition to its passage. The letter grades were derived from the percentage of times that each legislator's vote matched the official IAVA stance."
They claim to be non=partisan, but we really have to take their word for it, don't we? IF the IAVA thought a given bill should have passed and a given senator voted against it, then that senator got a zero score for that bill.
Short of reviewing each and every bill, how can we tell *what* that really means, short of "here's a list of scores that show how much a senator agreed with the IAVA with what bills we, the IAVA, claim to be military bills in the first place.
In short, it means nothing. But it makes for good election-cycle politcs, no? ;-) is not spamming you -- please read
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