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November 06, 2006

Dirty Trick Semantics

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

So the left side of the blogosphere has been documenting these GOP robocalls designed to make people angry at the Democrats for bugging the crap out of them when the GOP is actually responsible.

The argument from the left goes mainly at misrepresentation -- that the calls say they're coming from the Democratic candidate -- but I would expect that the GOP is going to argue that they don't explicitly say that they're from the candidate, only that they're calling with information about the candidate. Some of the wording I've seen has said "information from" as well, which could get a little stickier, but it still may give the Republicans some degree of plausible deniability to the neutral audience. And that's all they need to keep this at bay for the next 24 hours, really.

I did see one good commentary about the practice, though. This is how you have to try to win your election? You don't have any winning ideas, just gamesmanship?


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