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December 03, 2006


NP: Bears vs. Vikings

Okay, so for the time being, I have a loveseat in my dining room. Ultimately, it won't be anywhere, but the logistics of that may take a while. Over the last couple of weeks, through the exhaustive search for a media center setup that I like, I seem to have gotten over a hump with figuring out how to best use the space in the new (okay, seven-month old) apartment.

Moving the loveseat set off a chain reaction where I could get the bookshelves that were, for no particular reason, in my bedroom into the living room, and then rearrange the bedroom so it's not so confining. I pick up the new furniture for the TV and stereo on Tuesday, but other than that, I don't think there's much else I need to buy straight off. For now, anyway. With one or maybe two small exceptions, everything I'll need will be more of an upgrade than a necessity.

The point is that, for whatever reason, I'm making more of an effort to really own this space. It's been a good weekend for putting that into effect, and for just getting things done. No soccer to play, a few errands to run, and not much else in the way of plans. I was going to try getting to the gym today, but tweaked something in my calf all of a sudden. Since I'm only just back into that groove, I can put it off until tomorrow and give myself two days between workouts at the outset.


I love the deal C&B gives you if you buy three of the stacking shelves as opposed to just one.

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