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December 30, 2006

The Inevitable Backup Nightmare Post

NP: Inter vs. Milan

I never fucking learn.

After my hard drive crash about a year or so ago, I picked up two different software programs for backing up one's system, along with a dedicated hard drive for that purpose. Neither program seemed to work the way I hoped, so I never got a regular, scheduled backup in place. Ultimately, I had a notion that the software would work as long as I was there to babysit, so it was just a simple matter of kicking off the process, right?


So now, I feel like I've accidentally -- if you can call running a system utility an accident, which is a whole 'nother matter -- removed some important file somewhere, and my main machine is hosed. There may be something I can track down in the RAID utility, as booting to safe mode gives an odd bunch of specifications where "C:" should be. If this is a BIOS thing and not a Windows thing, I think that would actually be easier.

And it's not auto-detecting the setup CD, but I may be able to futz with a boot setting to make that happen.

Unless it's iTunes plugin The Filter -- which did crash on me beforehand -- System Mechanic's "cleanup" utility is the only culprit I can think of.


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