NP: PBS' Soundstage with Garbage (Shirley Manson in HD!)
Happy New Year and all that. If you're wondering what I've got in mind for 2007, the overarching theme is to not give in to the "point of lethargy," which is that moment when sitting on your ass and doing nothing seems so infinitely preferable to going to the gym, or to the rehearsal space, or starting the laundry, or starting a project at work or at home that needs to be done.
This isn't to say that there's no value in communing with the sofa or burning some cycles on less ambitous endeavors, just that the trick is recognizing when you're resisting something for no good reason and calling your own bullshit.
Part of this is a bit of a process improvement, because I really, really need to be getting to the gym and the rehearsal space, and I'm getting tired of pointless procrastination on at least a half-dozen other projects. The resolution, such as it is, is to better myself in a whole bunch of ways, with the most obvious being fitness, musical proficiency and job satisfaction. I feel like I've been taking too passive a role lately, and being more focused, more disciplined, will get me where I want to be with the satisfaction of having actually gotten myself there.
Anyway, thus concludes the annual navel-gazing. 2006 was actually a pretty memorable year, for a lot of good reasons, but I feel like I can make it better. Or maybe the good things right now are making the areas that need improvement stand out more. I'm not sure.
New Year's Day, of course, is a peculiar day for this sort of call for motivation, as there's not a lot on the existential to-do list today, as my mind is still very much on vacation. But tomorrow, look out! is not spamming you -- please read
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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