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January 10, 2007

The Psychology of Asymmetric Threats

NP: Bulls vs. Wizards

I've had this story open on my computer since New Year's Day, because I keep meaning to wax righteously indignant about it and what it says about the general population of this great country of ours. Or the subset of that population that answers surveys.

Granted, wording of questions and fuzziness of definitions can be the devil's details on something like this. When 1 in 4 people say they "anticipate" the second coming of Jesus Christ, that's wholly different than actually thinking it's going to happen in their lifetime. I hope.

And seventy percent expecting a natural disaster in calendar year 2007 hinges entirely on one's operational definition of "disaster." You could make a case for the blizzard in Denver, not that I would.

It's not quite as maddening as the majority of Americans, nationwide, who worried they might be shot at by a pair of gunmen in a country of however many hundred million people of a couple of years ago, but it's still depressing.


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