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January 25, 2007

Unintended Targets

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

As if passing consistently to the wrong team in last night's soccer match weren't enough, apparently I paid the wrong institution using my bank's online bill pay earlier in the week.

I noticed that I was being more stream-of-consciouness-driven than usual in the financial errands, and after two days of wondering why the money hadn't shown up in the other account, I double-checked the source and saw that it went to Geico instead of E*Trade. Whoops. Soon I'll have it sorted out, and will actually take real steps toward saving real money. Sometimes you just read the right thing at the right time and act on it. Without thinking too hard about it, apparently.

As for the soccer, it was my second game back since the late fall, the day after my weekly sleep deprivation at Vaughan's, exacerbated by a sudden fascination with women's tennis halfway around the world, and I took a twenty minute nap before the tough 10pm kickoff. So my brain wasn't sharp enough to tell the difference between purple and blue t-shirts out of the corner of my eye, I think, and the rust just made it that much worse.


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