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February 21, 2007

Notes From The Machine Uprising

Yeah, I know, you're on the edge of your seat waiting for an update on my precarious home computer situation. The phrase that pays right now is "slipstream CD," which is where I try to create a version of my Windows XP setup disk that includes RAID drivers. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out exactly which ones I need, so that's on hold for now.

I'm tempted to just yank the thing out and set it up as an external drive on my laptop, because I think that should work mostly without a hitch, but I'm enamored with this idea that I can just press a key or two during the CD boot and, if the PC can actually see the damn drive, things will get fixed.

Current state is another attempt at chkdsk, which I didn't really mean for, but wasn't babysitting the machine during startup. In a perfect world, this error-checking actually makes it through so I can back up the drive tonight, but that's unlikely.

Heck, even the furniture has joined in the revolt, as I sorta missed a shelf with some of the nails in my new big IKEA bookcase, but the books should hide that. Plus, said bookcase is maybe just a little too big, and may end up in that big living room in the sky along with the loveseat. I should put them both out on the back stairs as some kind of mutant study.


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