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March 09, 2007


NP: Laika, Lost In Space Volume I

I don't really have much to say about the Scooter Libby decision that hasn't already been said. The biggest thing, for me, is the appalling display of intellectual dishonesty from those saying that Patrick Fitzgerald should have ended the investigation when it stopped being about the actual leaking of Valerie Wilson's name, or when it became clear that Richard Armitage was Robert Novak's source.

What follows from that is even more troubling to me, in that there is a segment of the population who will hear these people say these things and not realize that they were, in fact, saying the exact opposite when it came to Bill Clinton. I worry about how big that particular segment is.

And you've got to feel for Keith Olbermann. I almost expected him to start Tuesday's Countdown by saying "From Tampa, Florida, where I'm supposed to be on vacation and watching spring training..."

All the references to Iran-Contra make me realize that it sucks to be a second-term president in this era (Iran-Contra, Monica Lewinsky, Scooter Libby) almost as much as it sucked to be a television president last week (forced to resign to keep details of an incestuous relationship secret, blown up by unhappy neocons).


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