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April 13, 2007

No One Was Ever Fired For Blaming Microsoft

NP: Pele, Enemies

If I had the time and stomach for it, I would look at what the right wing noise machine is saying about this RNC e-mail business, because I can't see how its defensible that so much of the administration was operating "off the books" like this. It's the Enron presidency, all right. Hide the bad shit where you think nobody's looking.

Anyway, this is tangential to that story, in that this report came out that the White House had lost some 5 million e-mails, according to CREW. The adminstration is now blaming this on a switch from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange.

I'm a little disappointed that slashdot isn't tearing this apart, instead devolving to a pretty run-of-the-mill political flamefest. Dana Perino says that she had to save all her Word documents to "make sure they weren't lost in the transition." Just because you don't have the software on your computer to access something doesn't mean it's "lost."

Unless, of course, they explicitly wiped the mail server in the process. In which case they were directly violating the Presidential Records Act in doing so. Impeach Bob from IT!!


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