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April 18, 2007

I Think I Owe Ty Keogh An Apology

NP: Bulls vs. Nets

Bill Walton is taking bad announcing to new levels by the minute. The Bulls are in the playoffs already. It's their best record in years. Yes, the #2 seed would be nice, but the season is not "on the line." Not even close.

The guy is a fucking moron, but I guess getting me to call him a fucking moron justifies his existence. But, again, fucking moron.


To me, Walton has always had an Anti-Bulls slant to his broadcasting, going back at least to the Rodman years. I'm sure some of this perception is colored by my homerism, but not all.

It's not just an anti-Bulls thing, though. I remember the one time he was going on and on about how Robert Horry was one of the greatest NBA defenders of all-time, when Tom Tolbert pointed out that he wasn't even one of the top three defenders on the court during that game -- a playoff matchup between San Antonio and the Lakers where Bruce Bowen was just owning Kobe Bryant. And this was before his kid played for L.A., I think.

I loathe Walton's commentary so much that I will not sit through a game he's doing lest it's a Bull's game and I have no other choice, so I'm afraid I don't have enough data points to agree or disagree.

But I'm guessing you're right...

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