NP: John Cage, 4'33"
Seeing as how I mentioned the blog post from Joe Klein over at Time's Swampland, I would be remiss if I didn't post on the ensuing reaction. What struck me so much about Kagro X's front-page hissy fit was that it was doing exactly what the blogs yell at the MSM for doing, which is interpreting things in such a way that they support your existing narrative. Yes, Klein got the timeline wrong, but to pretend that this one detail was the lynchpin of the argument seems like willful misinterpretation for yet another hyterical over-the-top anti-establishment rant.
If Klein's allegedly egregious error was an example of why the blogosphere has such disdain for the mainstream media, the response was an equally illustrative example of why that cuts both ways.
I'm curious to see what happens now that Klein has clarified his point. My suspicion is that it will go unackowledged, as the blogosphere seems notorious for claiming the last word in the vacuum of its own audience by simply ignoring the fact that you've lost your moral high ground. is not spamming you -- please read
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When A Foul Isn't A Foul
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