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May 17, 2007

Making a Molehill Out of a Mountain?

NP: Rush, Power Windows

Lots of virtual ink being spilled today about the Washington Post's report about the White House considering the removal of as many as 1 in 4 U.S. Attorneys going all the way back to February of 2005.

Could the relentless pursuit of scandal actually turn something into less of a scandal? Because given that timeline, and given the increasing number of USAs under fire, doesn't the notion that the White House was just going to clean house at the beginning of Bush's second term start to gain credence? And while that would still be somewhat unusual for a second term -- the typical pattern is to wipe the slate clean when you come into office -- it would be less unusual than the selective firings.

Of course, we're a little too far gone for that at this point, and -- didn't these guys learn anything from their witch hunt against Bill Clinton? -- the lying and the obfuscation is as much the issue as anything else. At least until there is some proof of obstruction of justice.


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