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May 26, 2007

Worth Noting

NP: King Crimson, Frame By Frame (Box Set)

One more comment on the war funding bill, for now. Barack Obama threaded the needle on this one, didn't he? After the first bill was drafted, he was asked what he thought would happen. He responded that he thought Congress would ultimately send the President a clean bill, because no one wanted to play chicken with American troops.

You may recall that all hell broke loose in the netroots when he said it, accusing him of betraying his supporters. I don't have Obama's exact quote in front of me here, but my recollection is that he stated that this was what he expected to happen. Not what he wanted to happen. Not even what he would vote for if it came to pass. He stated what he thought the Democratic leadership -- of which he is not a part -- was going to do.

And not only was he right, he got to play his "I'm right, and I'm voting consistently with my beliefs" card, to boot. Talk about inexperience all you want, but that's really, really shrewd.


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