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June 06, 2007

That Self-Identification Fallacy Again

NP: Bloque, Bloque

Okay, I meant to say something about this when Andrew Sullivan first blogged it, but it's still interesting enough to merit mention. The notion that Obama is not what the virulently anti-war left thought he was when they conveniently ascribed all of their own character traits to him based on a handful of common positions should not really be all that surprising.

I have a friend who used to make fun of me when I would start dating someone, in that I would get all worked up over just how much we had in common, but I don't know if I ever went so far as to assume that we agreed on everything. This strikes me as one of the ways the online community can seem almost hopelessly immature, but I don't know that it's necessarily a function of online communities the way some other behaviors are.


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