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June 07, 2007

Revisionist History

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

For the most part, former Republican Congressman Dick Armey's guest-blogging over at Time's Swampland has been entertaining just for Joe Klein's smackdowns in an effort to win back over the left-wing blogosphere that he holds so dear.

(On that note, I love the comment in the first linked story that reads "Bravo Joe, but don't let it go to your head.")

The entertainment value can only go so far, though. Armey quite incredulously states the following in his latest:

The internet as we know it was created by entrepreneurs free from government interference.

There are so many problems with this, it's mind-boggling. Swampland commenters seem to be doing a good enough job of pointing this out in detail. Even if Armey tries to hide behind the "as we know it" bit, keep in mind that the first web browser, which really did usher in the Internet as we know it, was developed at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and eventually evolved into Netscape.

Of course, toe-the-line Republicans like Armey don't actually believe in evolution, so maybe this is just part of some larger, creationist myth where the Net was created in six days by Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt.


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