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August 02, 2007

Parsing Gonzales

NP: Pandora

Swampland reports on Alberto Gonzales' "clarification" of his earlier testimony. Money quote from his letter:

I recognize that the use of the term "Terrorist Surveillance Program" and my shorthand reference to the "program" publicly "described by the President" may have created confusion, particularly for those who are knowledgeable about the NSA activities authorized in the presidential order described by the DNI, and who may be accustomed to thinking of them or referring to them together as a single NSA "program."

If you read that passage a certain way, it practically amounts to an admission of deceptive testimony. He makes no claim that he has, say, come to realize he chose his words poorly, that he only recognizes this now, after the fact. He simply admits his shorthand may have caused confusion, which makes sense, since he mostly likely chose his words deliberately to cause confusion.

Cue "Mission Accomplished" banner...


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