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August 06, 2007


NP: Pandora

I can now say, with reasonable certainty, that the entire site is up-to-date with the look and feel that I introduced to the more heavily-trafficked (in terms of posting) sections a long, long time ago. And in doing so, I finally have Google Analytics up and running, so I have more flexibility in being able to tell just what the hell is going on around here, from a visitor perspective. Not that you care, but I'll be able to answer questions like "did my YearlyKos Googlebait work at all?" The answer to that being a fairly resounding no.

I'm hoping to get l.i.t.c. and a Lolla rundown up by sometime tomorrow. Glacial pace by normal blog standards, I know, but I'm totally fried and have to divert all power to shields work for a while, and then commune with my couch tonight.


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