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September 04, 2007

Hold The Quechup

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

I was wondering if last week's raft of unintentional invitations to an old internet dating site reworked as a new social networking site might be a more widespread phenomenon than just my experience with it, and if it's making the front page of Lifehacker, I would guess the answer to that question is a resounding yes.

And hey, if I was sucked into this before Lifehacker, does that make me an early adopter? Or just a sucker? Or too hungover on Wednesday mornings to make important, address book-related decisions?

By my count, I think I had three or four people fall into the same trap I did, where you think they're just searching your address book when they're actually sending mail to everyone in it. That could get viral pretty quickly.


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