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September 11, 2007


NP: John Cage, 4'33"

So I'm sort of back in the gym, although I got knocked off my schedule a bit last week. The idea has been circuit training, on sort of a gut feeling that it would be the most effective regimen in light of three days of soccer a week and biking to work. I had been overthinking the exercises for a long time, which was just a convenient way of procrastinating, but I finally had a breakthrough and just went with what I know.

Anyway, on the off chance that someone is either interested or can point out why I'm going to irreparable damage to my musculature if I continue, here's the workout:

Start with 5-10 minutes on a bike or elliptical trainer to get the heart rate up.

Curls (alternating; on a BOSU ball)
Triceps pullover (on a BOSU ball)
Side lunges with elastic
Dumbbell fly (on a BOSU ball)
Crunches (side-to-side)
Shrugs (on a BOSU ball)
Full-body diagonals (with a medicine ball)

I had been doing a shoulder press instead of shrugs, but changed it yesterday. This allows me to use the same weight for all the exercises that require weight. And I can always just sub push-ups for the dumbbell fly. The BOSU ball is just for some added stability/core benefits. First circuit is 20 reps, then a minute or two break, then 15, then 10. Then I ride my bike home, typically.

What I like about this is that it's extremely "portable," and eminently do-able at home if I end up quitting my gym.


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