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September 29, 2007


NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Okay, so I get a little giddy when an explanation for my computing problems presents itself. It appears that I haven't solved all my problems, although the overall stability of the system does seem better. Now I've just got the chirps and audio dropouts that seem to signal some sort of IRQ conflict, and both my normal soundcard and my high-falutin' Firewire mixer share IRQ interrupts with other devices.

Then again, the last explanation sounded compelling, so what the hell do I know? I feel sort of like a hypochondriac who reads the symptoms for some disease and immediately thinks "yeah, I've got that."

If anyone has mucked with IRQ settings successfully, feel free to comment. I may just play Russian Roulette with my PCI slots and see what happens. If you don't hear from me in a couple of days, fear the worst...

It dawns on me that I might actually have better luck playing my MP3s through my TiVo instead of my computer.


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