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October 01, 2007

Snark Wins The Day

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

I've been gnashing my teeth a bit about all the stories declaring Hillary Clinton the winner of the Democratic primary that hasn't even started yet, so I definitely appreciated the headline offered up on Fark.com: Hillary so far ahead of Barack in the polls it's like being up 7 games with 17 to play.

Meanwhile, back on the conventional wisdom train, Joe Klein speaks of the "zeitgeist changing" on Hillary. I think that's only part of the issue. Now that she's been declared the clear front-runner by the media elite, it's open season. But I also think that it's open season because the media are so disappointed that none of the other Democratic candidates are willing to form up a circular firing squad, they've taken it upon themselves to start attacking. Presidential campaigns are a blood sport for the media, and they seem to be getting itchy that there's not enough blood.


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