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October 03, 2007

The Slow Crawl Of Progress

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

After scouring the Interwebs for the intro chords, I actually busted out "The Carpet Crawlers" from Genesis at Vaughan's last night. I remember taking a stab at it once before two or three years ago, but was quickly overwhelmed by that opening sequence. Now, it was still a little shaky on account of only having learned it about a half-hour before I left, but I managed to get through.

Every once in a while, I notice that I'm about a million times better as a guitarist (and singer, although I'm still not going to say I'm actually any good) than I was when I started going to Vaughan's about six years ago. Which I guess is good, on balance, because I feel like my drumming is going to shit. There's a vague notion of a weekly schedule that includes more gym time and more rehearsal space time, but this is me we're talking about.


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