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October 05, 2007

Lacking Faith In Politics

NP: Pandora

Andrew Sullivan cites a treatise on atheism that attempts to defy the very label of "atheism." I don't have anything to say on the religious point, but I feel like you could easily apply this logic to the notion of political independents. I'd go so far as to say that political independents are more heterogeneous than atheists, making the argument more resonant politically.

(Cue Hank telling me there is no such thing as the political center -- or Santa Claus -- in 3...2...1...)

And I take back the part about not commenting on the religious angle. Lately I've been wondering how I would answer the question of faith as part of a megalomaniacal fantasy wherein I run for political office. Here's the thing. Can you believe that there is some inherent organizing principle of the universe, and that this organizing principle can be called "God," without having it be some anthropomorphic form with a beard and a flowing white robe? Can three or four yet-as-undiscovered mathematical equations be God? Or is inscrutability -- which Jon Stewart so pointedly described the other night as asking questions of an empty void from which you expect no answer -- a requirement?

I'll take "existential questions least likely to be answered in a blog comment" for $500, Alex...


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