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October 07, 2007

Maybe Not So IRQ'd

NP: shuffle play

In the latest of hopeful diagnoses of my home desktop computer -- and I seem to spend time on this every weekend, seeing as how I spend more time with said machine -- I'm thinking maybe it's not an IRQ conflict. However, that may have led me down the right path, as it's got me thinking that the problem is related to my video card.

I tried updating drivers once by downloading files from NVIDIA directly, but that got me a lovely Blue Screen of Death at startup for my troubles. So, instead, and almost by accident, I just let Windows find an updated driver for the video card. And it did. Time got a little fuzzy since then, but I think the system has been behaving ever since. With the video card sharing an IRQ with my internal sound card, and with occasional audio interrupts when my monitor had to do things like load a web page, the two might be related.

If you've been reading for a while, I don't have to tell you this, but expect more details as they become available.


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