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October 19, 2007

Chicago Weather Porn

NP: Pandora

In response to Chicagoist's question of why some people got the CTA weather warning yesterday and some people didn't, I'd say check your spam folder. That's where mine was.

To the bigger question of why we got wall-to-wall coverage of this impending storm, I really don't know. I understand that advances in meteorology have gotten to the point where, if multiple forecasting models all point to the same outcome, and it's bad, you can reasonably posit that it's going to happen. Of course, in this case, it didn't -- at least not the massive fire-and-brimstone, end-of-days storm that most Tribune media outlets were predicting.

And this does seem to be a heavily Tribune-based thing. The best explanation I can come up with is that they're such repressed conservatives over at the Tribune Tower that they're forced to completely fetishize something like weather coverage. It also makes me think that Tom Skilling could conceivably run for mayor of Chicago and win.


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