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November 24, 2007

Controlling The Message

NP: Arsenal vs. Wigan Athletic

So, at the very least, I stopped waking up to dreams of clickstream analysis, but I had to take preventative measures to do it. I think that the big problem I've been having is that I go to bed worrying about something, whether it be work or something else, and that plays a big role in informing my REM sleep. So I've started listening to music as I go to sleep, and it's worked like a charm.

There's always that chance that I've either reached a conclusion that requires no further overnight processing, or that the absence of "new stimuli" about it since a week ago have pushed it out, or some combination of all three. Or maybe that it's been seven days and all the caffeine I've had has been one can of Dr Pepper and one cup of green tea. But the music seems to be the biggest factor.


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