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November 28, 2007

Incomplete Sentences

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Considering that the maximum sentence for the reckless homicide charge was ten years, I don't know if I can really be that upset over the 8-year sentence handed down to Jeanette Sliwinski for killing Doug Meis, Michael Dahlquist and John Glick. I think a lot of the visceral reaction described in the Trib story and shown by Chicagoist's Tankboy has to do with the notion of time already served and the potential for an early release for good behavior. That last part really stings -- the notion that any amount of "good behavior" would somehow counterbalance the loss of these three lives. And maybe that speaks to the notion that 80% of the maximum isn't good enough, because it reflects "good behavior" for the time already served. Again, what about the "bad behavior"?

UPDATE: Pitchfork reads the whole Sun-Times article and cites "a law which requires only half a given sentence be served." Ah, government.

Then there's the bizarre postscript described elsewhere on Chicagoist, which seems like an awful long way -- not to mention just an awful way -- to try to sell a camera.


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