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December 08, 2007

Pissing Off The Atheists

NP: Radiohead, In Rainbows

So, Romney finally gave his long-anticipated "Mormon speech" this week, and one of the take-home messages seems to be that belief in God is some sort of prerequisite for patriotism. So, is he really trying to find common ground with the evangelicals by ganging up on the nonbelievers? Last I read, his campaign isn't trying to persuade anyone otherwise.

This makes me think of two things. First, is it a coincidence that the atheist broadside happens to coincide with the release of The Golden Compass, a movie based on books the author of which has said were about "killing God" (although the movie treads much more lightly)? And second, doesn't Romney realize that Christopher Hitchens is totally going to tear him a new one?


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