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December 21, 2007

Gladwell On Mitchell

NP: John Cage, 4'33" (extended dance mix)

Author and sociologist Malcolm Gladwell, who writes about sports whenever he has an excuse, weighs in on the Mitchell Report here and here. HGH as recovery aid is an interesting slant on the story, I think, and a bit more high-minded than the asinine commentary here in Chicago on whether or not Sammy Sosa is owed some kind of apology because he wasn't named.

That gets to something Olbermann opined about with the announcement -- that Mitchell was recommending little or no punitive actions for past transgressions. The more I think about that, the more it makes sense, because the list of offenders is not at all comprehensive. It's based only upon people who were willing to come forward, which explains a lot of the Yankee players being included. So any punishment would not really be fair to those guys just because they were the ones that were ratted on, while other guys weren't.


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