NP: John Cage, 4'33
On the Democratic side, I like to think that I gravitate towards Barack Obama because the stuff he says about where we are and where we're going as a country resonates with me like no other politician in my lifetime, and not because he seems like the kind of person I could actually have a real conversation with. Which is a thinly veiled sophistication of the "candidate I'd like to have a beer with" canard, but never mind that.
On the Republican side, though, Mike Huckabee just seems like a fun guy. Sure, the bass guitar thing smacks a little bit of Clinton's sax turn on Arsenio, but Clinton would have never done that in an awful red sweater. And Huckabee is genuinely funny.
None of this matters, of course, because I felt a little dirty the last time I voted in a primary, like I was an uninvited guest stealing canapes. Especially because my guy was already out of the race at that point. I'll wait for the general election.
"And Huckabee is genuinely funny."
I'll grant you that his disbelief in evolution is pretty hilarious.
That's sorta my point. On the one hand, doesn't believe in evolution. On the other, riffing on the Chuck Norris thing and playing bass.
And there's a certain amount of schadenfreude when you consider the GOP pundits talking about how he's a lightweight southern governor who is using his faith as his big selling point.
I'd still take him over Romney or Giuliani, but that's a deliberately false choice. is not spamming you -- please read
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