NP: Countdown with Keith Olbermann
First, you have pretty much everyone except the unlikely pair of Keith Olbermann and Bill O'Reilly picking the Patriots in a cake walk. Actually, that was second or third after Iowa, New Hampshire, etc., but never mind that.
If we take as a given that the media can, and will, get everything horribly wrong, then what can we expect tomorrow on Super Tuesday? On the Democratic side, the conventional "wisdom," such as it is, says that tomorrow will decide nothing, and the contest will extend for at least another month.
Therefore, I will predict that tomorrow will decide the Democratic nominee.
For the GOP, it looks like John McCain will pull away from Mitt Romney. So clearly, that won't happen. That said, Romney's got no game. Look for a surprising turnout for Mike Huckabee, vaulting him back into the picture. is not spamming you -- please read
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