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February 23, 2008

At It Again

NP: Foo Fighters Rocks The Garden

A nation wait for Ralph Nader's appearance tomorrow on Meet The Press with bated breath. Or not. McClatchy quotes the e-mail to whatever is left of his supporters:

"What's been pulled off the table by the corporatized political machines in this momentous election year? Cutting the huge, bloated and wasteful military budget, adopting a single-payer Canadian-style national health insurance system, impeaching Bush/Cheney, opposing nuclear power — among many others."

To be honest, that doesn't sound all that compelling to me. The military budget is problematic, as the military is going to need resources to rebuild after everything that's been poured into Iraq. The Democratic candidates have what seem to be credible -- if not Canadian -- health care plans. Campaigning on impeachment of Bush and Cheney seems problematic, as they would be out of office when you got in. And opposition of nuclear power seems like a non-starter.


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