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March 04, 2008

Ringing True

NP: Fishbone, Truth and Soul

I'm just going to quote some of the same passage that Lifehacker does from this new book CrazyBusy. The notion is "playing" in order to make real sense out of the overwhelming amount of data we receive:

Play lies at the heart of creativity. Play can waste great quantities of time, in that it is not programmable to produce results on cue. Play goes off on tangents, knows no timetable, and can be subversive. But when play goes right, when the planets of mind align, play transforms an old place into a new one.

As someone who stares at more data than usual in my day-to-day activities, this couldn't be more true. I've described it as my "mad scientist mode," where I just mess with stuff, throw shit at walls, follow tangents, and just give myself time to explore. And certain levels of management (and styles of management) don't get it. When will this be finished? What's the plan? I don't know. I don't know where this will take me most of the time.


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