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March 22, 2008

The First-Round Carnage

NP: West Ham v. Everton

On the one hand, the math took a beating last night. Final stats on the first round were a woeful 21 for 32. On the other hand, if you picked both Villanova and Siena in the Midwest regional without a dartboard, you're full of shit. I got half the upsets right in that region alone, so I'm not giving up on the math just yet. Plus, only Clemson and Drake going down have any impact upstream for me, so in the long haul, I may still pull this out. Especially if Davidson comes through and beats Georgetown.

If I have time, and it looks like I will, I'll go and grab more stats than I did initially and see if I can come up with any sort of reasonable model that would do better than I did in the first round.


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