NP: John Cage, 4'33"
There's already a up and running. Throughout this whole "scandal" that erupted over Obama's comments, I haven't heard much from anyone other than political operatives and media pundits, so it's been very hard to judge if this episode actually has any traction, or if it's just a bunch of talking heads and empty suits saying it has traction.
Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan commented on the piece I mentioned earlier, and makes a point that I only hinted at:
But the deeper truth, is this: If you assume that nothing much has changed in American politics since 2004, Harris and VanDeHei have a point. My guess is that they're mistakenly if understandably inferring from the past, not accurately projecting the future.
This exposes a certain mantra of "this time it's different" among Obama supporters, which still has that nonzero chance of being delusional, but I'm with Sully -- have I linked to him often enough to call him Sully? -- on this one. is not spamming you -- please read
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In My Defense
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When A Foul Isn't A Foul
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