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May 21, 2008


NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Yeah, more unadulterated swooning over Swampland posts from Ana Marie Cox, this time nailing the Internet zeitgeist in ways I'm sure at last half her readers don't understand:

On the other hand, as a friend points out, could there be anything better for the war on terror than to turn our enemies into housebound, Technorati-addicted internet famewhores? Answer video upon answer video! What plots would fail to get planned while Ahmed and Ali are in a furious Guitar Hero duel? Imagine the huge timesuck on terrorist productivity LOLalQaeda would be! I made u a geehad but then I wasted it.

It's those random little sub-cultural references that continue to win me over. I'm hoping the whole passage wasn't attributable to the unnamed friend. Unless the unnamed friend is single and female.


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