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August 20, 2008

What If?

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Ana Marie Cox points out the absurdity of the "Veepstakes" coverage, which makes me wonder what would happen if Barack Obama went and picked Colin Powell to be his running mate? And in wondering, does this give me just as much credibility in my speculation as everyone else who is mostly just making shit up?

But think of the opportunity for Powell to come clean on his role in the Iraq invasion and for Obama to repudiate George W. Bush just by holding up a campaign sign. Plus, he's easily got the same kind of foreign policy heft as Biden or Hagel, and can weave into the post-partisan narrative. Of course, his role in the Iraq invasion cuts both ways, and Obama-Powell might lose any voters who would vote for one black guy, but not two.

For the record, I've always thought it would be Biden. Once again, what good is this blog if I don't post these hunches so I can prove I was right after the fact? I need to get on the ball.


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