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August 23, 2008

Doing The Biden Math


Anyone who knows me will not be surprised to learn that FiveThirtyEight.com is my new favorite political site, because it's all about the numbers. Nate Silver -- who I think I need to start hanging out with here in Chicago so that some of the stat-geekness rubs off on me -- crunches said numbers on Joe Biden. The key, I think, is at the end:

What's noteworthy is not so much that Biden will turn a lot of McCain voters on -- Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton would have done a better job of that -- but that he'll turn very few Obama voters off. As a result, this method projects a net swing of 2 points toward Obama, which is better than he'd do with any of the other candidates.

Also, the old-media conventional wisdom points to Biden's strength with seniors, Catholics and working-class Americans as a potential advantage, but I'm sure they'll slice those numbers sooner rather than later.


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