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September 08, 2008

Talking Dems Off The Ledge

NP: The Futureheads, This Is Not The World

A typically level-headed take on the current state of Democratic panic from Mr. Silver. This part jumped out at me:

Is it possible that the race has entered some sort of new steady state? Yes, of course -- such things happened following the Republican Convention in 1988 and the Democratic Convention in 1992, for instance. But history tells us that far more often, convention bounces recede. And even if this one doesn't, the absolute worst case for Barack Obama is that he'll be within striking distance given one good debate performance, and will probably also have a slightly stronger hand to play in the electoral college than in the national popular vote.

And the two hallmarks of the Obama campaign so far -- focusing on the ground game and sticking to the slow-and-steady execution of their game plan instead of rushing to meet every news cycle -- are popping up quite a bit across the board.


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