NP: The Futureheads, This Is Not The World
Steve Benen points out a new phrase from Obama's campaign appearances:
Obama has begun including that line in just about every speech -- "The American people aren't stupid" -- as a catch-all way to respond to Republican talking points. I think it works pretty well. It's a rather direct way of making clear the fact that the Republican campaign strategy is premised entirely on the notion that voters are fools.
This makes me happy. The notion that the GOP expects people to actually believe that, for example, Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience because she lives close to Russia pisses me off because it's so breathtakingly cynical. This should be the media's job, but they've pretty much abdicated that so they can continue to get interviews and get invited to parties.
What's funny is that Dems have made a cottage industry out of calling Republicans stupid over the years.
Republican politicians or Republican voters? And that seems different that saying your opponent thinks you're stupid, which is trying to appeal to one's sense of pride. Historically, I think Dems speak down to voters as well, but in an entirely different way (see Gore, Al and Kerry, John).
That's one of the reasons I like Obama as much as I do, because he really does seem to be doing more than just lip service to treating his "audience" with respect. That, or he's doing a great job of tricking me into thinking he is.
Politicians and pundits, mostly. First arrow out of the quiver is the stupidity of the Republican object of their ire. And "the American people aren't stupid" could be a roundabout way of saying that those who would believe the stupid things you stupid people are saying are...well, stupid. :) is not spamming you -- please read
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