NP: Elbow, The Seldom Seen Kid
I don't doubt that Senator McCain got a bit more than he bargained for on The View. But claiming this has destroyed his candidacy? This is one of the reasons I've gotten so burned out on Olbermann lately, because he frames every single McCain misstep or perceived misstep with the grandiose language of asking whether or not this is the moment where the history books will look back and say he lost the election.
And he does that a lot. He'll probably do it tonight in reference to this very same story, which doesn't make it any more true.
Then again, mindless repetition of what you want to be perceived as true even when you know it isn't is still the primary M.O. for most of politics, so I don't know why I should expect people to be smarter than that just because I want them to.
I could be wrong, though. Barbara Walters and her merry band may have, in fact, just won the election for Barack Obama. I just sorta doubt it. is not spamming you -- please read
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