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September 24, 2008

I'm Not Very Good At This

NP: Stereophonics, Language. Sex. Violence. Other?

No, this post is not about dating. Why would you think that?

Last week, I bought 50 shares of AIG stock after it tanked. Something like $2.29 a share, and hey, look, I doubled my money in a week! Profiting from the misfortune of others is fun! But I don't actually know a damn thing about playing the stock market -- something immediately apparent by my impeccable timing for using mutual funds as a short-term investment vehicle -- so I just left them there and didn't stay tuned into the latest news.

Still doing okay, but not as well as I was doing a few days ago. As for whether this was a good idea or not in the first place, I've spent more than $150 on dumber things.

But really, why did you think this post was about dating? Is it that obvious?


Maybe you already saw this from Atrios, but I just wanted to make sure as you're a part owner now.

Dangit. Link got stripped...

Here: http://bit.ly/3Gavm7

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