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October 27, 2008

Politics Imitates Sci-Fi, Part Two

NP: Macha, Macha

So, Christopher Buckley was on The Daily Show last week, talking about how his new novel was predictive of the current political situation, but he's still got nothing on Neal Stephenson and George Jewsbury:

Super Tuesday, Illinois, and New York were history. California wouldn't happen for weeks. By this point in the campaign, the nominations were usually settled. But there was nothing settled about them this year. Both parties were running several candidates. The flakes, the paupers, and the weaklings had long since been weeded out. The remaining strong contenders had been beating one another mercilessly. By the time the real campaign began on Labor Day, neither of the two surviving candidates would have any reputation left.

One slightly interesting aspect of this book is that I think it's nominally about the 2000 election as seen from 1994, with the implicit assumption that Bill Clinton lost in 1996.

More impossibly accurate and eerily prescient quotes as I come across them.


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