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November 03, 2008


NP: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

So, I just saw a commercial from some GOP political action campaign that went after Barack Obama for his association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. This, in itself, isn't all that surprising. Probably inevitable.

Except that the commercial ran on MSNBC. During Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

Now, I don't know how basic cable ad buys work, so maybe it was a blanket deal, and there weren't specifics about exactly when the ads would run and on which channels. And our proximity to Indiana has meant more presidential ads hitting the airwaves -- I heard a radio spot for Obama with John Mellencamp yesterday.

But the notion that anyone in the GOP camp would actually spend money on an attack ad to run during Olbermann just seems to crystallize the moment we're in right now, in terms of campaign competence and effectiveness. There's no real getting around it.


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