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November 05, 2008

Mr. Zogby, Your Phone Is Ringing

NP: Porcupine Tree, Signify

Nate absolutely nailed it. I haven't seen a wrap-up from the Blogger.com-challenged boys at FiveThirtyEight.com, but at the bottom of a post about polling, Steven Benen points out:

And speaking of polls and impressive showings, how did Nate Silver and fivethirtyeight do? Nate's final projections showed Obama winning with 348 electoral votes and 52.3% of the popular vote. As of this morning's count, Obama has 349 electoral votes and 52% of the popular vote.

We're going to wonder how we got through elections without him.

This makes up for those awful glasses he was sporting on Olbermann on Monday. I figure he must have lost a bet on that one.

I really, truly hope that Nate's post-election plans involve increasing headcount, because I'm there in a heartbeat.


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