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November 23, 2008

Probably A Bad Idea

NP: iTunes Genius list for Secret Machines, "First Wave Intact"

I'm no economist, but if Citigroup is really on its way down, should I be making a point of carrying a high balance on my Citi credit card? I'm sure there's a good reason why Citi's failure won't actually mean I won't have to pay off my card, but hey, if I'm just gambling some finance charges, it might be worth a shot. As I've said about any number of recent spending decisions, it's still probably not the worst financial decision I've made.

That honor would go to using mutual funds as my short-term aggressive savings starting about a year ago. Fortunately, it's not enough to materially affect down payment savings for a condo in the spring, so the resulting plan is to use that money as an indicator of when I can replace my car. Unless the markets take longer than two or three years to at least come back to what I paid, but then we've probably got bigger issues than me needing a new car.


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